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Taiwan – Sarah Rebecca Notley


Cabinet of the Republic of China (Taiwan) reiterates his stance against Beijing’s new ADIZ the Cabinet of the Republic of China (Taiwan), confirmed on 29 November the sovereignty of the nation over the Diaoyutai Islands and stressed that it will seek different channels to express its strong concern about the newly announced by mainland China Air Defense identification zone. “Beijing has not consulted us before such an announcement”, said the Taiwanese Cabinet. “The fact that its ADIZ intersects our, is not conducive to a positive development of relations on each side of the Taiwan Strait.” According to Cabinet, the National Security Council issued a four point declaration in response to the move by mainland China on November 23 and confirmed sea again its unalterable position with regard to the protection of national sovereignty over the Diaoyutai – Islands, as well as the importance of President Ma Ying-jeou peace initiative for the East China”to the Settlement of disputes in the region. The five-point initiative calls on all parties to refrain from antagonistic actions, not to abandon the dialogue, to uphold international law, to resolve disputes by peaceful means and to find a mechanism for the research and development of resources on a cooperative basis. The Ministry of national defense will continue to conduct patrols in Taiwan’s ADIZ and strengthen the intelligence and surveillance and control activities in the region, in order to ensure national security. In accordance with the regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Aviation Administration under the Ministry of transport and communications in the name of flight security, mainland China continue to have flight plans for domestic and foreign airlines over the East China Sea will notify. The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is very concerned about the development of the situation in the area concerned, and calls on all parties in disputes to resolve through peaceful dialogue and bilateral or multilateral negotiations, to secure to regional peace and stability. (ca)