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State University – Sarah Rebecca Notley

State University

231. Rogrio Forastieri was born in So Paulo SP, it is graduated Social Sciences for the USP, and carried through its Mestrado and Doutorado in Social History for the USP. Ebay often expresses his thoughts on the topic. He was professor of the State University of So Paulo (UNESP), being diversified didactic book author for Average Ensino. Formation of professors of History is dedicated to it and develops historiogrficas research. In chapter II New History and the historiogrficos studies, Forastieri demonstrates that the books in the area of the historiografia are vast, and goes of the researcher to know to which relevance workmanships it goes to opt to supply its necessity front to its work. The author also alludes who with the sprouting of New History, classic history writing disappears and joins social sciences and to leave of the research from it is confrotted with some answers on the searched subject or has innumerable questionings on the same.

New History appears from one> necessity of if emphasizing a history that more is not centered in great personalities that had been marked in history, and yes in other factors on the context for which if they had detached other people in definitive period. This New History appeared in the quarrels between social, philosophical and historical sciences in century XX. The historical personalities had been confrotted with one strong opposition of the producers of the magazine of the Annales, as Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre, these ' ' heris' ' that they lead history the theories of these authors had lost its ahead estatus whom they searched to emphasize the anonymous one of the society. The braudelianas structures had directed the historians if disconnect of the barriers imposed for the time, the events had left of being teorizados only in itself, as the isolated events, but they had been placed in a totality of the occurred facts.