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Posthumous Memories – Sarah Rebecca Notley

Posthumous Memories

In the privilege petition that then wrote, I called aateno the government for this result, truily Christian. However noneguei to the friends the so deep pecuniary advantages that had to result of distribuiode a size product and influenced me if at last in the petty cashes doremdio, these three words: I apply a plaster Brs Cubas. (…) Thus the minhaidia brought two faces, as the medals, a turn for the public, outrapara me. Of a side, filantropia and profit; of another side, filantropia and profit; of another side, nominated headquarters of. Let us say – love of the glory. (Memories Pstumasde Brs Cubas, p.12) In the workmanship Posthumous Memories of Cubas protagonistaconta all its history of life detaching the facts that had more marked it bemcomo the reason of its death. Onisciente is about a narrator that manifest astragdias of its life ironizando the events and the people. 1.

The intentions of the tragicidade In dipo King the tragedy is used for philosophical levantarcrticas that finish with a lesson of compatible moral with osinteresses moral of the treated time. A fact that demonstrates this is that dipo, oqual if considered a decipherer of mysteries, only discovered great mistrioque tormented its life when was blind. Also, we notice one here ironiaque folloies the tragicidade of history. 1.1A tragedy in Axe of Assis the tragedy in Axe of Assis is constantly atrelada irony, which if manifest, some times, through the mood and is utilizadapor Axe to criticize aspects of the society as the preconception, the greed, the hypocrisy. We can perceive the express irony in the stretch where Brs Cubas to vaipedir Virglia in marriage to the step that its clock falls in the soil and it sedepara with its old love: Marcela. This appears sick with the face repleto debexiga (smallpox signals). To the deep one, by backwards of the balcony, cujorosto was seated a yellow woman and bexiguento it was not distinguished soon.