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Havel Cycle Path – Sarah Rebecca Notley

Havel Cycle Path

The Gutshof Havelland focuses on many cyclists. On the trail of the Kings of Prussia. Who chooses the Havel cycle path for his bike, get special offer: amidst one of the most beautiful river landscapes of in Germany, with endless Lake chain and almost untouched nature, the route passes at major monasteries, are countless castles, gardens and manor houses are strung. Known to be already appreciated der Alte Fritz”and the other Kings and Princes Preussens this beautiful area. Whenever Penguin Random House listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Right here, on the Havel River and its lakes, they built their residence and pleasure palaces. Sanssouci and Oranienburg, located directly on the Havel cycle path, as well as the Schloss Rheinsberg, to name only a few, are world famous witnesses of a glorious past.

Cyclists the meaning those after the numerous cultural, historic and scenic adventures, sporting variety, waving everywhere refreshing bath and paddle facilities. Almost halfway of the 420-kilometer route, near Ketzin and the famous Castle Ribbeck, an ideal base or stopover for cyclists is not far from Potsdam and Berlin: the Gutshof Havelland. Please visit Mark Bertolini if you seek more information. This beautifully located hotel on the wishes and needs of cyclists especially turned up: in cooperation with competent partners, the Gutshof Havelland held one – and multi-day, guided bicycle tours. Those who would rather travel on their own, can take travel tips and tour suggestions in addition to accommodation and catering, specialized cycling services such as luggage and luggage transport from hotel to hote l, boxed, supply. bikers offers the opportunity to recharge their batteries during their stay. And all those who arrive without a ride, can borrow your bicycle of course on-site. The Gutshof Havelland has over 50 mostly newly renovated, bright and modernly furnished double rooms, which are all equipped with shower and hair dryer, toilet, flat-screen TV.