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Contemporary Society – Sarah Rebecca Notley

Contemporary Society

Ahead of a space where we are product of the way where we live and where the machine in them bombs of all the sides, beyond an immense diversity of options presented to the society, the paper of the professor is each more arduous time. The professor has that to have conscience, responsibility and comprometimento with the paper that exerts in the way of this society each more individualistic time, where even so in modern times, if he is that we can say, still we enter in conflict if takes advantage the law of strongest or if each individual is valued for what possesss. The professor must have conscience of its paper as transforming agent of the society of which he is part and everything that are its return, is not enough to go for a classroom to lecionar mathematical, Portuguese, physical or any another one disciplines, but also to know to hear the sadness, anguish and the joy of its pupil and to vibrate with its victories. He fits to the professor beyond giving the content of its disciplines, having proper responsibility with its pupils, directors, parents and with its familiar ones, who are in its houses. Although the system has the machine its favor, as the medias: television, periodicals and others, where if are passed what really it favors a small group of people, being of this form the great majority in abandonment and stimulated by the consumerism, which only serves each time more to increase the inaquality. The professor must possess comprometimento with its work, that I believe that in fragmented way he can make the difference for ways of values that lost and had been forgotten, not voluntarily, but for the awareness of material values above of moral and human values, which we are submitted spontaneously by the medias and diverse laws approved for parliamentarians, they are these reasons who leave the battle of the professor most arduous, but also is rewarding to have the conscience that was part of history not as mere spectator but as agent of transformation for a society more joust, human being and with little inaquality..