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Aloe Vera Juice – Sarah Rebecca Notley

Aloe Vera Juice

Externally in the pockets of depigmentation rubbed tincture of arnica mountain with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). In the combined treatment include herbs that contain zinc: birch leaves in the form of infusion (10,0:200,0; in strained infusion add 0.2 g of sodium bicarbonate), or a decoction of birch buds (1 teaspoon buds 0.5 cups of boiling water, boil 15 min) – 1 a tablespoon, 3-4 times a day. It is widely recommended that fresh or canned birch sap. A lot of zinc in the berries of black currant, raspberry, so ill advised to include them in the diet. In folk medicine used the infusion of seeds of wild carrot, which also contains trace mineral zinc. As a tonic in the presence of concomitant tonsillitis, diseases of the stomach and intestines, the liver treatment included oat broth planting in milk (2 cups pour 5-6 glasses of milk, stand on a steam bath for 2-3 hours, filter) – 0,5-1 glass 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals for 2 months. For the normalization of the endocrine glands, metabolic processes, to create additional reserves in it, to reduce the production of adrenaline recommended adaptogenic drugs: alcohol extract of Eleutherococcus or tincture of ginseng, Aralia, devil, liquid extract levzei (see how to apply these plants). For the normalization of adrenocortical function and metabolic processes prescribed: Infusions of the leaves of black currants, elderberry flowers, watch a three-sheeted, decoction of chicory usual, infusion or decoction of cyanosis blue.

Fresh or canned aloe vera juice administered orally to 1 teaspoon for 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. A good result in vitiligo, we have received from the use of drugs strawberry timber. During strawberry season, strawberries in the forest recommended 0.5-0.8 kg per day (as the patient can eat). In store for the procurement of strawberries can be frozen. In the absence of berries used broth forest herbs strawberries (20.0: 200.0) – 1 tablespoon 2-3 times daily or as a tea without dosage. Outwardly patients was rubbed into the pockets of strawberry juice depigmentation with DMSO. 20 g of strawberry juice was added 3-5 drops of 100% DMSO for more deep penetration of strawberries.

Instead of strawberries can be used topically pomegranate juice. Traditional medicine in vitiligo recommends taking duckweed. We administered it orally as a decoction (tea brew as) 1 glass 2-3 times a day for 3-4 months, then a month break. If necessary, repeat treatment. It is not toxic and well tolerated. In the treatment of duckweed in a number of patients reported a positive result: depigmentation process was stopped, appearing follicular repigmentation. Patients were also encouraged to apply rosehip infusion (10.0: 200.0) – 1/4-1/2 cup 2 times a day. Churolinov P. (1979) recommends to the depigmented areas skin to make a poultice of boiled pulp roots of anise. Also recommend a topically in foci of depigmentation rub product juglone (the active ingredient in the leaves and fruit of a walnut) in the form of 0.1-0.2% alcohol solution, followed by MSS. Sometimes effective topical application bergamot, nut, lavender, eucalyptus oil in combination with UVR. – zahvoryuvannya shkri